Sunday, September 27, 2015

Back to School Night Topic: Let students F.A.I.L. to learn a lesson

F.A.I.L. is a method that my classes will be using this year so that students can achieve their best quality work on class activity assignments. F.A.I.L. (First Attempt in Learning) is based on the premise that students may need to redo assignments to understand, analyze, and apply Social Studies content topics and skills. This is a support method for students to show how proper time management and adhering to due dates are responsible personal traits for higher education, college, and career.

With F.A.I.L., students use the content to develop lifelong skills. First, students must follow directions, period! Accuracy is a quality that all employers are seeking. Second, all assignments must be completed by the due date. For class activities, students are allowed until next class to have activity assignments completed. Hence, unlike "traditional" homework assignments, students assign themselves work that must be completed. Hopefully, this will instill the ideals of responsibility and time management. Finally, the individual student must be accountable for completing assignments, whether they choose to do them in small groups, with partners, or by themselves. This accountability also extends to the accuracy, effort, and quality of the assignment.

If a student puts forth the effort to complete the assignment but still fell short in understanding the material, they can meet with me in a class conference session and we will review the assignment together. Then, the student has the option to redo the assignment by the next class for full is their choice! Students should learn from their mistakes, not be punished by them, and as long as they are not afraid to fail, should be compensated for their academic effort.

But there is always a contingency to plan for...

F.A.I.L. does not apply to class assignments that are "forgotten" or "missed" or "I was too busy" or simply not done. In conference, students must show that there was a legitimate effort to complete the assignment and to do so on time. Responsibility and time management, as stated prior, are transferable skills for college and career readiness and part of the expectations for this class.

Of course, life happens, as it does in the real world. Certain situations dictate different means of addressing them. In those cases, please email me so that together, we can work for the best possible success of the student.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new" - Albert Einstein

"I have not failed! I just found 10,000 ways that won't work" - Thomas Edison

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Where we came from, where we're going...

Geography and the ability to apply the skills of geographic information is a vital component to understanding history. However, students are finding out that geography should be more than just memorizing maps to identify continents, oceans, countries, or even states in the United States. Geography studies the culture of people, the migration of ideas, and the impact of human interactions.

Students have been learning how to apply the Five Themes of Geography to any land location on planet Earth. By studying and analyzing the themes, students are making realistic connections to people and places, even within Middletown Township. With this knowledge in hand, students in sixth grade will begin their studies into ancient cultures while eighth graders will apply the themes to civics studies.

We need to know where we came from, and where we are, to understand where we are going.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A long time ago in a classroom not too far away...

It is a great pleasure and honor to welcome students and parents to a new year at Bayshore Middle School. My name is Mike Gannon and I will be your student's historical entertainer for the year. First off, please know that if anyone has a question please feel free to email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Secondly, this blog will act a communication tool between class and home and I invite students and parents alike to participate in this live blog. Finally, welcome to Social Studies!

I am passionate about the subject and hope that students will find activities enriching. As a teacher, I expect students to be responsible fro their work and actions, just as I expect them (and their parents) to hold me accountable. My class is "Our" class; it will be safe, supportive, and open.

Please check back to the blog for updates. Feel free to join, follow, and comment appropriately on the blog. Also, if you tweet, follow the class on Twitter @bms232.

Again, welcome to Bayshore and good luck in the 2015 - 2016 school year!

Sincerely and respectfully, 

Mr. Gannon