Sunday, October 18, 2015

Student Directed Learning in 232

As the year continues on, there are two classroom initiatives that students are taking advantage of to enhance their learning. The first station is "Your Voice, Your Choice." This is a simple and powerful idea that students can share that will shape their learning and challenge their teacher! Here, students (color coded blue for 8th grade; yellow for 6th grade) suggest ideas to be included in upcoming lessons, or become a lesson in itself. An 8th grade example is "O.J. Simpson." Students have heard about the infamous trial and tribulations, but there is a curiosity. So the challenge is sent to me. Working with students, we will create a new lesson plan during our studies of the Judicial Branch and use this case for an example in criminal law.
Students working at the "Charging Station"
in front of the "Your Voice, Your Choice" board

A 6th grade choice, and widely popular, is the "Illuminati." As a historian and teacher, this has been an interesting topic to research, and I have asked for help from students to include in a meaningful lesson. Trust me, the students are enthusiastic to help! In addition, a timely lesson that I am creating as we speak, will trace the history of Halloween, another student selection! Best quote from this request: "Can we have a fun class and try to make it scary?" ...we'll find out!

While I am proud of how my students are freely suggesting and partnering with lesson ideas, another initiative is taking off as well, Social Studies Makerspace. This station is based on the idea of makerspace activities in STEM and the Genius Hour initiative. Simply put, create your own project, aligned with some topic or skill from the Social Studies curriculum, and have it completed by the end of May. Students create their own benchmarks to keep pace with the due date and rubrics to assess their own growth. The ideas have been impressive, and the initial actions are inspiring. From interactive timelines, coded history games, to song writing and a classroom sized board game, I have been in awe of what students are creating and planning. As we get more involved, the class will tell its story through Twitter using #SSMakerspace...follow along in our journey!

Stay tuned for more news coming from 232...a ConnectEd classroom!